Monday, June 7, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me

This is the only way to hold myself accountable I think. Let the blogging begin:

Today is June 7th, 2010. It's my 22nd birthday. My husband celebrated his last week on the first. No doubt my birthday celebrations will be slightly more extravagant than his...though he is in the Middle East so I guess that's to be expected. He does like to give me a LOT of shit for my terrible eating habits though, so I figure this will be a good chance for him to also keep track of my successes/failures. We shall see...

My main method is going to be kettlebell training. I started with kettlebells back in February and saw some really tremendous results before I slacked off in April, when my husband and I were doing a lot of traveling and letting the workouts fall by the wayside.

For an early birthday gift, my husband, Robbie purchased both of Lauren Brooks' "Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning with Kettlebells" DVDs and I will be following them to the letter 4x a week, mixed in with walking, jogging, jump-roping and proper nutrition.

And hopefully some painfully embarrassing before pictures and some super-successful, well-sculpted after pictures will provide an swift kick of motivation.

And away we go...


Blue Machine Naked Juice
4 oz. Red Grapes
1 Liter water
1 large coffee, cream - no sugar

4 oz Lean Pork
2 oz Sweet mashed potatoes sweetened with pineapple juice
3 oz Steamed cauliflower

handful of Ritz pretzel crip bite cracker things

1 Cup chicken and dumplings

1 small slice homemade chocolate birthday cake.

All in all, after a very heavy dinner, call me crazy but I'm not really feeling up to posting a nauseatingly bloated before picture. Reprieve until tomorrow? ACCOUNTABILITY!


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