Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A day of Eh

Started out with a less than exemplary morning, as far as breakfast goes...well, mostly that I just didn't eat enough.

I woke up and gave a JOLT to my system (as recommended by nutritionists) by drinking 16 oz of very cold water. I waited about 10 minutes and continued on to...

1 piece of whole wheat toast with 1/2 tsp of butter
1 whole banana
1 large coffee with cream - no sugar.

I hope I have time to get a workout in before my second shift at 5:00 today. I have a fairly long commute though, so we'll see.

Feeling slightly more brave today. If I keep up eating well, I might just be feeling spunky and enthusiastic enough to get up a before picture. My husband inspired me with his P90x Week 5 pictures in which his biceps look like anacondas that have swallowed giant pigs, and his obliques are bulging sexily out of his side. Mmmmm.

Work passed by to noon with a fair amount of productivity.

6 oz. beef tips and eggs noodles
3 oz. steamed veg. (squash, zucchini, carrots and green beans)
1/2 wheat roll

Might I add that 4-5 days out of the week I work at an Assisted Living Facility where lunch is provided to me, so the portions are generally small and absolutely without seasoning...I guess that's a good thing for my specific purposes.

It doesn't help that my brother and stepfather for my birthday last night, stocked the house with chocolate donuts and star-crunchies...WHY OH WHY?!

Added later:

Like I said, the whole point of publishing a blog about my food intake and workout schedule was so that I could hold myself accountable, right?

Ok....this is embarassing, even if it is just for myself.

When I got off my first shift at 3:00 and made it home at 3:30, I had a small sliver of chocolate cake for a snack...leftover birthday cake...

and I'm even more ashamed to admit that when I got home from my second shift at 8:15, I had YET ANOTHER small slice of chocolate cake and a glass of milk and considered it my dinner before going to bed. I'm so ashamed. Looking forward to tomorrow!


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